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Score!!'s official website.

A BL, comedic, & dramatic short story.

Score!! is a short story about a 15 year old high schooler named Ashton who moved in with his aunt and uncle in East Bay City. He finds out that he will be attending a private highschool called East Bay Academy that his childhood bestfriend also attends. This my my first short story I've ever shared with anyone, I am the author, online I go by Asher. I do understand that my writing is probably cringy, like I said, this is my first story that I'm sharing with anyone but myself, I'm used to writing REALLY specific stories of my OCs in little anime realms. This story is supposed to feature drama since it does take place in highschool, along with comedy since I don't want to bore my readers (although my humor probably isn't funny at all), and because I've always liked MLM **Men Love Men** stories, I made this a BL **Boys Love**. I hope anyone who reads my story enjoys it!

Home: Welcome to Score!!

Tell me about yourself author!!

I'm the author of Score!!, on things like my website, Twitter, Tapas, and YouTube I go by the name Asher, so please call me that name. I am a female, my pronouns are she/ her. My interests include reading, watching anime, horror, art, and volleyball. Now for how I decided to write Score!!, well it's still a bit of a mystery to me, for the past year and a half, I've written random little stories about two pages of loose-leaf (front and back) long; I would share them but I've thrown them away. I've always cringed at my own writing and I'm hoping that you'll all enjoy it and give it the love it doesn't get from it's own creator. I hope you enjoy Score!! and hopefully my future stories.

Home: About the author.

Episode 5. Created: July 19, 2022.

My most recent addition to Score!! is episode 5, technically episode 4 since the one before it is more of an announcement. Episode 5 is called "No more alarm clock." Since the story does take place in East Bay City at this point and Ashton, the main character, isn't used to the sound of traffic, he awakens to the sounds of horns being honked instead of his phone alarm playing a song.

Home: Latest episode.

"What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Home: Inspirational quote.

Where can I find you on or your story?

I have a link to Score!!, my story, on Tapas. And a link to my Twitter, although I haven't posted anything about Score!! yet. Other than those two places, you can't find me on anything else, I apologize for that.
Link to Twitter:
Link to Tapas:

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Home: Contact.
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